COEP Ventilator (old) updates

Version ? – moving from Arduino to ESP32.

Previous version, as described in a previous post here, underwent many changes. Primarily it suffered from the slow processing time of the Arduino Mega it was based on. The challenge was – how to control the stepper motor while also reading pressure sensors and computing the tidal volume and breathing pressure, all at almost the same time. This was kind of solved by upgrading to ESP32 microcontroller.

A zero PCB prototype control board for the COEP-Ventilator. It has ESP32 doing all the work.
Back side. hand soldered with no schematic plans – just organic mindwork.
A side view.
An overview of the ventilator – the 2 ‘crushing’ arms, the AMBU bag, the flow sensor and the controller board. On screen you can see the tidal volume and pressure waves.

However this didnt solve it. Finally, the stepper motor was chucked for a DC motor. This worked great.

One Reply to “COEP Ventilator (old) updates”

  1. sir please provide information on how to interface spiroquant flow sensors with arduino

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