Like SmallDAq V1, there is a growing need among scientific and student communities of a low cost data logging system with controller and human interface features. With the advent of low cost electronics, opensource systems and internet communities its now possible and obvious that such Data Acquisition systems are made available. Hence the SmallDAq V2.
Its features are:
- Modular construction – features could be added or subtracted by using different cards as per needed by the user.
- Raspberry Pi 3 B as the base computer.
- Human interface and interaction ready with any LCD screen with HDMI port and coupled with mouse and a keyboard.
- A 30cm long base board that holds the RPi and seven 2×20 pin ports for adding cards. An IDC cable connects the RPi to the board. Another IDC port available for further expansion. The board can be mounted on DIN rails.
- Currently developed cards:
- 8 ch PT100 interface using ADS1115.
- 8 ch 4-20ma / 0-10V interface using MCP3208.
- 8 ch Thermocouple (K type) interface using MAX31855K.
- 16ch Digital inputs -3-30V optically isolated – using MCP23017.
- 16ch Digital outputs – 24V 500mA driving capability – using MCP23017.

Currently being developed for two projects – for VentureCenter’s solar kitchen and another for Dr. Vishal Sardeshpande’s jaggery unit.