Meeting #2 with the Insight Group: Notes

This was mostly about navigation and mobility.

  1. Extended time to travel as compared to no impairment. Sometimes 2x or 3x times the normal.
  2. Everyone has a different travel story, travel times and so on.
  3. Going to shops that are crowded is difficult. While everything in the shop remains same, the number and movement of people becomes the unpredictable part.
  4. Steps are counted to keep in track of path, direction to known shops and places.
  5. Exchanging money
    1. Counting, verifying money notes is difficult.
    2. Digital payment is better.
    3. Division of note denominations in different parts of the wallet for easy repay.
    4. Quickness of exchange with reliability is missing.
    5. RBI has no consideration for B/VI users of its service. App provided by it isnt as great as other. However, natural note markings for universal accessible use was the responsibility of RBI designers. They have failed. (Q- why no laws or court cases were made to fight for this? Can this be done?)
  6. Things slow down, from travelling to any kind of mobility to work, due to visual impairment. So vision is related to the general speed of life. Unless tech or good laws and cultural awareness evolve.
  7. Technology discussed
    1. Jioglass
    2. Bluetooth Beacons for marking products in shops/malls and available on smartphone
    3. – for autonomous checkouts at shops without any exchange of cash or card.
    4. Samsung phone with magnetic reader, where physical card swipe works as payment.
    5. Device for converting images into 3D prints that can be sensed by touch.
    6. JAWS screen reader?
    7. Picture-in-flash –
    8. Vernacular keyboards

New questions:

  1. What is the cost of technology to help make life comfortable for B/VI citizens of India?
  2. Which cities are the best for living in India?
  3. Is there an institute that researches disability technologies in India? Any contact with them?
  4. What professions are good for persons with visual impairments and blindness?

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