it takes a genius ?

(old post, from somewhere around 2013…. )

It feels that what needs to be can only be begun sometime

an inconspicuous time,

often this a romantic spirit of idealism, the moment

often this minor effort will wither away into the average

but wont it be, even otherwise, the average i mean?

why make fun of the little ones

why neglect them as trivial and unimportant

why so, even when these

in ever so insignificant ways build what we understand by momentum

and momentum isn’t that all that matters?

i doubt if major efforts and waiting for them

have ever been of significance

and one may question wherein comes the major effort from

but from a general momentum,

built in ever insignificant ways

in ever miniature forms

little revolts here and there

the littleness hides the human nature

and a momentum is sure to be built

a momentum that is anyways built

and when it is built, its hard to brake, tame, control, release

and who comes to the rescue?

old little friends, the odd miniature efforts!

The making of an artist or an inventor,

of a leader or a peasant

is not due to the bold stroke of genius we all hear about

it is the nurturing and practicing of the medium of expression

of years of little efforts

years spent in learning the language that can speak of creativity and command

that can dance and walk on a tight rope, one with the rope not separate,

but all we the ignorant passer-bys notice

are the miniature efforts of the performer that meet the moment’s eye

the rest hidden, lost …. the real stuff is invisible

but then the greed of ease, we ape these,

visible and tangible as if the real,

dreaming to replace the artist with an ego burp,

we fail miserably and we come to know how difficult an effort it would take!

And thus we conclude, oh we the ignorant, how much of a genius it takes …

And we live our lives with this learning ingrained into our living,

the importance of a certain kind of effort ever increasing,

instant and glorious, of bold strokes and radical ideas,

and what a glamour we conjure of a near-future dance of the ego genius!

But we neglect that what can build the momentum.

And thus we fail again, and again we conclude what a genius it takes …

but this time, we also conclude that we can’t probably be one.

And sometimes, we wait for our bold strokes of creativity,

of right conditions, support and love, fail which we have others to crutch on,

and never make the smaller ones that might make momentum,

because our yardstick’s just so bigger than what we can lift,

and so we wait for the enlightenment, we dream of the big moment,

desperate for the sparks of opportunity, ignorant of the chances (moments) passing by,

and we neglect so much …

And thus fails another artist, even before the journey began,

ignorant and disillusioned, but convinced that it takes a genius…

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