#20 Science and wars (incomplete)


Wars – the favorite pass time for power-monarchs – either to express existence of power, to expand power, to consolidate power or to preserve power – are a part of human nature. Like it or not we are affected by it, sometimes we want war and sometimes we dont and so on. This huge complicated endeavor often uses and improves sciences and technologies – tools to ‘help’ humans get on with lives in a ‘convenient’ way. So needless to say this must be explored.


science and wars
  • First we explore why we fight in the first place? We may be fighting for resources of food and shelter, or over mates – physical stuff. Or we may be fighting for our group which has some threat from diversity (another group). The un-digestible diversity maybe over myths or traditions or our sacred symbols. However, the basic pattern in all fights is the prelude – the justification that goes on before fights begin, that hatred that grows against the ‘other’ group. We break the character of the ‘other’ down, demean them to unworthy of stuff, stereotype them into some bad image and so on, all the while forming an ‘us’ of superior qualities, fantastic values and ideals. We do this so inherently, at least i find myself doing this when i am not so stable. I wonder how wide-spread it is. Why do you see this happening even now between India and Pakistan, Hindus Vs. Muslim, etc and etc? ‘They’ (Pakistanis or Muslims or Christians or Westerns or caste people, or any one else) are doing something wrong and we have a moral right over them, we would like to teach them a lesson because they deserve… We do this on an individual level as well as national levels.

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