Some prototype pics

Some pics before the dryer apparatus was shifted to the Ameya’s (client) testing place – Vigyan Ashram, Pabal, Pune.

Over all prototype setup at SmallDesign.
The testing chamber. A loadcell (hidden behind the black bottom) measures the rate change in weight of the sample due to passage of hot air from left to right. 3 RH and T sensors monitor the air before, during and after the sample. Here a silly test sample of a solder coil (what else will you find in a workshop?) is kept.
Another view of the testing chamber.
PyQT based GUI showing all the current T and RH values running on a RPi 3B. Data collected from a SmallDAC V3 Universal Analog Input board.
Live graphs!
The green and red thingy in top is the SmallDAC V3 UAI board with 16 configurable channels. The remaining are just power supplies for the system.
Another view of the SmallDAC UAI board.
Power control box for controlling the air heaters, air blower and the logging unit.

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