Prototype 4

Finally i have finished the prototype number 4. This one is the most complete one with each set for the two legs. Here for fitting the legs Nicola suggested i use his inline skate shoes for the purpose so that there is no need of other kind of wheel supports(the ones needed to  keep the wheel upright and at a certain angle to the leg).

However its clearly visible the support to attache the shoe to the aluminium stand did not survive the pressure of me standing on it. The welding may have made it weak since its aluminium. Just to give an idea, the main structure looks somewhat like this:
So finally i had to resort to rethinking about the most important thing. Finally i made the following design.

The 2 base wheels are attached the the shoes through a 10 degree bent 3 mm aluminium plate and bolted with spacers together. note that the plates on each side of the wheel are of different sizes to incorporate the shift due to 10 degree angle. The rest of the support and wheel are attached like this:

 And finally its not so difficult to stand on them independent of any support, atleast for a moment now 😉

And ila tried it too, although the shoes are quiet large for her. So we have a first review and needed improvements:

  1. We need brakes, for safety and for learning
  2. could be made and should be made far lighter than the 2.63 kg each, as of now.
  3. there is some constant pressure on the front part of the foot to keep the wheel in the right angular position. this is so because of the flexibility of the skating shoes at the ankle which needs to be minimized.
  4. the wheels of one of the wheel sets is jamming too much due to correct fit. To take into account the little irregularities of the rim(spoke holes) and the wheels too, we must make them slightly undersized.
  5. sharp edges must be removed.
So today and tomorrow, we will try, and lest see if i can post a video!!

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